Innerspace Camp 2021
Scholarlships & payment plan options:
I am pleased to offer two full scholarships for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) or anyone from a marginalized, underrepresented community. Please answer the following questions and email to and we will get back to you about the status of your scholarship request.
*Which 2-3 portals of this program look the MOST meaningful to your next UP-level, expansion and personal growth and WHY?
*What are the 2-3 BIG goals or intentions you have for taking this program? Which part of this program do you see gaining the MOST value from and how are you hoping it will help you in your future expansion?
*Who will you BECOME after taking this program that you aren’t currently embodying? Describe how you’ll FEEL after (use your imagination & BIG vision here) completing this 8 week experience and INNER space immersion.
One Time Payment Paid In Full – $2222 USD
2 Payments x $1111 = $2222 USD
First payment at purchase, second payment 2 weeks later.
4 Payments x $555.50 = $2222 USD
First payment at purchase, then every two weeks until complete.
6 Payments x 370.30 = $2222 USD
First payment at purchase, then every two weeks until complete.
Final Sale. Payment plan & pay in full options do not renew.