
The Innerspace Station Podcast

Episode #5: Demystify the Mystical: Jerry Zaryczny, Hypnotherapist & Creator of The Institute of Human Imagination

episode #5

Jerry Zaryczny

Hypnotherapist & Creator of The Institute of Human Imagination

"neuro-linguistic programming is a set of ideas that allow you to think of something from a slightly different perspective"

Welcome Innerspace Surfer…today’s episode is part of our on-going series – Demystify the Mystical. I can’t wait to introduce you to my friend Jerry Zaryczny – an amazing hypno-therapist, strategic intervention coach, and creator of The Institute of Human Imagination.

His goal is to awaken as many people as possible to the power and influence that self-talk has on each person, and how to revise it to effect the quality and caliber of life experiences in desirable ways.

Join us won’t you? Eavesdrop in on this inspiring conversation with my friend Jerry Zaryczny…

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What We're Exploring

on this episode, we're talking about:
  • Jerry's journey to discovering how hypnosis can help with changing behaviors

  • How Jerry learned to curb behaviors with hypnosis

  • What steps Jerry takes to help his clients

  • How you can use hypnosis to help you in your own life

Audio Transcript

KammieK: Welcome interspace surfer. Today’s episode is part of our ongoing series Demystify the Mystical. I can’t wait to introduce you to my friend, Jerry Zaryczny, an amazing hypnotherapist and strategic intervention coach, and the creator of the Institute of Human Imagination. Jerry’s goal is to awaken as many people as possible to the power and influence that self-talk has on each person and how to revise it, to affect the quality and caliber of life experiences in desirable ways. 

Born and raised in Chicago, he grew up in the windy city during the days of movies, such as Ferris Bueller’s day off and weird science. After high school, he joined the US air force and served in a nine-month deployment to Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. After a decade and a half of life as a web developer and information architect, he found his true vocation when discovering the power of hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming to help himself experience a fuller expansion and expression of life. That in its skillful use and application, it could be harnessed to assist others, to cultivate them release the most powerful elements in the known universe. Imagination and trust in oneself to create a new and desired experience of life. In between mastering his golf swing and diving deeper into the fine art of playing sweet guitar solos, he works with clients from his office in Prescott, Arizona to help them achieve personal freedom. As he learned about it from his mentor, Richard Bandler, personal freedom means having the freedom to control your thoughts and to manifest the kinds of feelings you want in your life.

That’s the hustle and the main purpose of Jerry’s work. Let’s dive in. How are you, my friend? 

Jerry: I’m doing great Kammie. 

KammieK: Thanks for hanging out with me on a Friday late afternoon. I’m sure if you’re like me, I’m normally really tapped out at this point in the game, but I actually have a lot of energy right now. Maybe it’s because I knew I was coming on here to hang out with you. 

Jerry: It’s a beautiful spring day in Prescott and uh, yeah, I’ve got to tell ya. I was actually looking forward to the call a little bit. Butterflies and stuff. Don’t know why I get some, just excited about every time I get to chat with you. It’s really a very interesting experience. I got to tell you.

KammieK: I love our chats. So for the listeners, Jerry and I had a chat, was that on the weekend or last week? I don’t even remember. I think it was like on the weekend, we just were like, Hey, let’s chat about this one thing. And like two hours later, we were like, we’re still chatting because we like to go down all the cosmic rabbit holes.

Which is why I was excited to bring you on the show and have a chat. So before we get into it, we’ll talk about hypnosis. We’ll talk about hypnotherapy. We’ll talk about strategic intervention coaching, which is one of your specialty areas. And so before we get into your story just so our friends and listeners know, I actually have had several hypnotherapy sessions with Jerry and it has been transformational.

And I will say, and we can get into this later when we talk more, the thing about, you know, hypnosis as a modality. I was definitely a skeptic. I’m not a skeptic in that I didn’t believe that it could be transformational. I just, I didn’t understand it. I hadn’t experienced it. I think it’s a very experiential modality.

Jerry: What was, what was the most, um, transformational thing? What was the shift that you experienced? What would you say that was?


KammieK: Well, You know, it was almost like if you think of how we are in our conscious mind, it’s kind of like, uh, last week I posted this thing on Instagram, that was these three concentric circles. And it was like everything, you know, everything you don’t know. And then the bigger circle, the biggest circle encompassing, the other two circles is everything you don’t know that you don’t know. Right. And you don’t know what those things are. And to me, that kind of encompasses like what hypnotherapy has been for me.

Because when you go into, when you tap into your subconscious mind, there are all kinds of other information stored kind of every conversation you’ve ever had. Every book you’ve ever read, every song lyric that’s stored in it’s like all the data and all the files that you can access. 

Jerry: Yeah. And it’s really special and it’s, it’s almost has a very spiritual… 

KammieK:  I want to talk about you first, but we’ll get into my spiritual experience. Cause my first session with Jerry was absolutely hands down the most transformational, spiritual experience I’ve ever had.

And I thought I was pretty advanced on my spiritual path. So we’ll talk about that later. Why don’t you give us some background, some context, where do you come from? Where’d you grow up kind of a little bit in your childhood and then kind of walk us through to how you even came across hip hypnosis. 

Jerry: I’ll be as brief as I can. My name is Jerry Zaryczny I was born in the summer of 69. 

Summer of love totally makes sense. So my parents and, uh, their brothers and sisters and their parents immigrated from Poland. They took a ship to Canada and then they came down and ended up in Chicago.

KammieK: That’s why we’re so connected because the Polish lineage, I’m sure we’re somewhere connected, you know, ancestrally along the line. 

Jerry: Probably we’re cousins. Familial. Yeah. So, uh, yeah, I was born and raised in Chicago in the seventies and the eighties. I’ve heard every Polak joke there is. 

KammieK: It’s great. What’s your favorite or least favorite? 

Jerry: I don’t know. Favorite? How do you get a one-arm Polak out of a tree wave? I thought that was funny. Okay. It’s good. Allow me to retort, but uh, so grew up in Chicago. It was a great time. It was like, uh, like, uh, the suburbs in the city, but you know, living like the middle class family lifestyle had friends in the neighborhood. People went to school together. We did all kinds of things together…

KammieK: You and I are close in age and we grew up in that time when we could still ride our bikes with our friends and play tag.

And like, we didn’t have to be home until it was dark. Right. It was the same. Our parents didn’t know where we were.

Jerry: They had no idea Kammie. They had no clue. 

KammieK: We just ran around and then it was like, oh God, it’s getting dark. Or every now, and then need to hear a friend’s parents screaming for him to come to dinner.

And you’re like, oh, guess it’s time to go.

Jerry: That was my Polish Mom screaming. Mine 

KammieK: I was hearing her in Cleveland.

Jerry: Friends would mock me with that. Sometimes they’d never do it meanly.

KammieK: Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. 

Jerry: So, after high school. I joined the military because I quite frankly didn’t have any kind of vision going into college. All I thought of college was girls and partying. That was in my mind, I went to a couple of college parties when I was in high school.

Like… 50 miles away from Chicago and holy cow, I go there is no way that I could get educated and…

KammieK: that’s a lot the college experience. Right..


Jerry: So I opted for the military, which allows you to have girls and partying, but you have a job and, you know, so it turned out well.

KammieK: What branch of the military? Where did you go?

Jerry: I was in the Air Force during Desert Storm, Desert Shield, late eighties, early nineties, Saudi Arabia and got to have quite an experience. I’m glad I was single. And didn’t have any kids going over there. Uh, gosh, I, I really felt for the people that, you know, guys that were married and, and whatnot.

So, um, but yet that experience, um, on Christmas Eve of had to be 1990, cause I was only there for that one year. I saw the moon, I know this can sound kind of weird. Like I’m seeing the moon. I’m like this 20 year old kid, a guy, and I’m looking at this moon, I’m thinking, holy cow, that’s the moon that I grew up with in Chicago and, uh, California and all that.

And it made me appreciate it like, I can’t even explain. It was like, I thought my family immigrated. From, you know, socialism from communism, it had really taken them a long time to get to the United States. And I thought, you know, if I was sacrificed here if I died, it was worth it because you know, our family was able to come to the United States.

You know, it was very important to them the whole time I’ve grown up. So that was a really interesting experience. And, um, Some of it. I think it sticks with me more now than ever, you know, I didn’t think of it for a long time, but I don’t know, just being a dad and having kids and, uh, you know, my wife and all that.

So that was the military got out, had no idea what to do, except I wanted to work inside because I was refueling the planes when I was in the Air Force.

It was fun. I loved it. But, uh, I was outside all the time. And so got out of the military and I thought I’d need an inside job. I need to work inside somewhere. So I was into computers, Windows 95, Windows, 3.1, something like that. I learned about that stuff. How you use the word in these programs.

Just a fundamental entry level understanding of these and it, back then in the nineties, people would hire you and you would get decent money because you knew how to use a computer. We really were maybe not as savvy or whatever. So I got a bunch of, uh, I got a couple of customer service jobs, and I noticed that I really enjoyed talking with people.

It was something I could really communicate with people. And, uh, it was just something that I had in the back of my mind. So then, uh, the internet started coming around and got into web development, information, architecture, designing information on. 

KammieK: And were you self-teaching yourself or did you take classes or are you getting certifications through a job you had, how was, how was that, um, knowledge.

Jerry: I was taking college classes in the Air Force. I took a whole bunch like math and English and political science. And I loved going to school. It was like, holy cow, I think I’m a student. I figured out how to study. I figured out how to think about things I wanted. I had a goal in mind and I wasn’t thinking, oh, I got to go through all this stuff to get there.

It was like, okay, what do I do right now? Just to make, to do my best, to be like, put my 100% and I didn’t live like that, but just kind of, I was exhibiting those behaviors when it came to school.

KammieK: Yeah. And I think you and I share like, just curiosity and we love learning. Right? We’re just curious. We ask questions. We want to understand deeper than just surface, you know, we ask why a lot..

Jerry: get people upset. 

KammieK: Yeah. It can seem nosy, but it’s coming from a good place. Yeah. 

Jerry: It’s just like, how come? And they’re like, oh, okay. Yeah. So, uh, I was studying, uh, got these jobs learned about the internet, everything I learned, I learned online except for the college classes I was taking.

So started getting into web development. Cause I heard, when I was in customer service, I heard hey the Internet’s gonna blow up and learn how to make webpages and you’ll make a boatload of money and I go, wow, it’s kind of interesting. It’s art, it’s science, creative. Uh, you could learn it on your own.

You don’t have to go get a degree to get it. So I’m sold, you know, what do I do? I sign up. So I signed up doing a Yahoo search back then or Google searches and it was just stuff to study and find the patterns. And I’ve noticed that I’m pretty good at research. I know what to look for, like kind of reading through the bullshit what’s important to know.

KammieK: Well, and so you just said something that I think is a link that ties in is finding the patterns. And so at that stage, in the game related to web design, web development web architecture, what do you mean? What does finding the patterns? What does that mean for us? Who don’t study the backend of computers? 

Jerry: so, number one, just understanding the framework. So HTML, markup language, it’s a markup language.

KammieK: What does markup language mean? 

Jerry: It allows you to control the presentation of the information on the page. Now you could be connected to a database and the database will go into the page and then everything will get put out dynamically. But you’re building that, like the title, the paragraphs, the pictures.

KammieK: Got it. 

Jerry: But more than that. And that’s like the technical aspect of it, the links and all that. But then you get into like knowing how to think to present the information properly, everyone, you know, there’s a need to put so much information out there. No, one’s going to read it. We’re just looking for information that’s pertinent to us.

So if we understand our target audience, the person who we’re really striving to communicate with and just talk to them, just like you and I are chatting right now realize more and more.

KammieK: It sounds like you also learned and or figured out that you needed to learn more about marketing fundamentals, um, ideal target market, ideal target client, and how they think to reverse engineer it, to build the site. That’s going to draw them into reading. 

Jerry: Absolutely. To create, to create pages. When the person got to the page, it was what they were looking for. And it was just the information that they needed, not too little, not too much. And a trial and error, trial and error.

KammieK: and also search engine optimization. Right. 

Jerry: And search engine optimization, which is naturally, lends itself naturally into the content because you’re using the kinds of words, the vernacular, the frames that you’re setting up, that match in corresponding to your target audience, whether it’s your client or that’s a customer, whether it’s whatever you’re doing, um, even newspaper or newspaper articles and all that.

Communicating the message clearly getting to the point really, really fast, um, making a connection. Uh, so that, that was really intriguing to me. And when I was in college, I was taking photography and graphic design, and I learned I had a really great mentor, Joe amaretto. And, uh, he taught me how to think he would tell me, uh, you know, just you’ll learn how to model it properly. You have to know the study, the trends, study the styles, study the classics, and you’ll see it in there. If you have that propensity. I got to tell you that was probably the best takeaway from I learned Photoshop.

I learned illustrator and all that stuff and making designs by hand and all that. It’s all really, really important because you’re visual, you know, triangles, circles, squares, all this stuff, they all work together. Symbols, you know, stick divine.

KammieK: sacred geometry. 

Jerry: You have a tree for 100 Alex. Hey, so it all, you know, creates feelings and moods and sensations.

KammieK: Okay. So they, so you actually, were learning about that, that those specific symbols and shapes pull someone in, can pull someone into a page and evoke an emotion, right. That’s why he was basically telling you, learn this, learn the deeper layers, not just putting up words on a page and pictures on a page.

Jerry: Exactly, how to reverse engineer it. I think you said it earlier. How to reverse engineer, how to see it. It makes you feel a certain way. There’s a reason it’s making you feel that way. Right. Figure it out. And it’s fun because then you, I would find myself modeling that in my work and people would say, oh wow, you’re so good.

I’m thinking, oh my God, I’m just really good at knowing how to borrow. So it appears original, which we truly were…

KammieK: the framework, but then you’re customizing it for, you know, your clients. Right, right. 

Jerry: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. No one knows how to tell the story the right way.

There was a book by Seth Goden. It’s called all marketers are liars. The power of authentic storytelling in a low trust world. I read probably the first chapter and a half and go,I get it. I understand people. We are looking for authentic people. I would watch TV shows and like them. People are saying stuff in movies, I’m like shit, people in the theater are laughing. That’s funny. Why aren’t people saying that quote unquote, at work at the office, I would start, you know, testing that out. I don’t know if that makes any sense. It’s like that it’s fun. You break the, uh, the frame of whatever environment you’re in. You’re not necessarily breaking it. You’re kind of pushing it a little bit.

KammieK: well, so what’s interesting about what you’re saying is that there is another layer too. So I studied broadcast journalism and psychology as an undergrad, and then went out and worked in marketing and branding. And so I learned a ton working with major luxury wine and spirit brands. I worked with Graham Marnay and Tanqueray and Hennessy and Martin Chandon. And I worked with, I mean, I got to work with those brand managers. Okay. And learn from these re really amazing marketers. And then I went back and taught, um, I taught media ethics and intro to public speaking and things like that to undergrads.

And when I was teaching, uh, media ethics, I came across this documentary and I know it’s on YouTube. It’s called Century of Self. Have you ever watched, have you ever seen it, Jerry? How have we not had this conversation? 

Jerry: That conversation is happening today 

KammieK: because it was meant to happen today. So I’ll link Century of Self in the show notes too.

It’s fascinating because of exactly what you said. We think we purchase and buy things because we just like the aesthetics of it or the way it looks. No, it’s all programming, which is what you were doing to the websites, which will tie us back to the hypnosis. 

Um, but it’s fascinating because the person who is sort of noted as the granddaddy of, um, or the godfather of PR marketing kind of that whole like umbrella. His name is, um, Alford, Bernays. And he’s the nephew, Edward Bernays. I am always confused if it’s Edward or Alford Bernays, he’s the nephew of Sigmund Freud too. That’s a whole nother, crazy train, like mind explosion. Um, and anyway, like the long and the short is Bernays figured out how to get people to purchase things, and then brands and companies would go to him.

So for example, the tobacco industry in the twenties and thirties, only men were supposed to, you know, smoke cigarettes. They went to him and said we could make even more money if women smoked, we gotta make it cool for women to smoke. So they set this whole elaborate thing that during the Easter Day Parade in New York City, in Times Square, the suffragists who were like the female fierce leaders of the time would pull out on his cue their lighters and cigarettes, and they had the press and the media all there, ready to take their pictures and then put splash it all over the newspapers.

And it was called torches of freedom. And then boom, you see those ads that started showing up in the magazines and newspapers of women being all glammed out, but smoking cigarettes, right? So anyway, he learned a lot of his tricks from Freud. Hitler actually read a bunch of Bernays’s books and that’s where he learned a lot of his propaganda tactics, his public speaking, the repetitiveness, and the speech NLP, all of that kind of stuff is tied together. So it’s interesting to hear that also in the backend of web design, it’s very similar patterns and triggers. 

Jerry: Absolutely putting in the mood yeah. Ed Bernays. I know he wrote that book Propaganda before he wrote, uh, the marketing book or advertisement, something like that. Yeah. That’s I’m glad you mentioned that.

I remember learning about the Torches of Liberty. And they would hold, they held their cigarettes over their hands. Like they were Statues of Liberty. Yes. 

KammieK: Right, right, right. Liberty. Yes. 

Jerry: Because it was like you said, it was taboo for women to smoke. So Freud told him that a cigarette was the symbol of a penis, so to empower women to smoke, that’s why they held them up high also.

KammieK: Right. Like, this is my symbol of that. This is my sort of masculine, it’s crazy town. 

Jerry: do you want to go down one rabbit hole deeper?  

KammieK: Yes.

Jerry: Okay. So this actual framing of the Torches of Liberty, we’re actually creating the propensity of a lifelong habit. That end is not so happy for everyone. Right. It’s a very sneaky play. Like, Hey, wow. Here’s your Liberty, right? It’s a chain. Yes. Right, right. Okay. There we go. Boys and girls. Yeah. That’s the takeaway right there. Right? It works. It works splendidly. 

KammieK: Well just instantly people flipped and started. Great. Okay. That was a nice little rabbit hole.

Jerry: Yes. Yeah. So yeah, it was doing the web design stuff. I was working in Burbank on the 17th floor during the.com. I got to tell you I have a high school education. Plus I learned Photoshop and a few things now, HTML. I worked for a newspaper. I got laid off three weeks before our son was born, but they gave me like a $5,000 severance check and six months of health insurance, which thank you.

So in the meantime, this guy that I worked with, he was my supervisor. He was like, Hey, I was working on HTML. You want to do it? At this company that I worked for, he was working part-time at the newspaper. I go sign me up. It ends up being Peter Green Design. This is like some world renowned design agency to this day.

He makes the caricature playing cards for like professional sports. So like, I like Shaq and I’ll just every player. Like there’ll be the queen of hearts and the ACE of spades. And he’s been doing this for decades now. Massive amount of money. He draws everything by hand. He’s a gifted artist. I saw a picture of him when he was younger. He looks like a Billy Corgan from smashing content. Wow. But now is an older man. He’s got great hair. And he doesn’t look anything like Billy Corgan, but anyway, um, he was a great mentor on learning about things. So I worked for him and then he’s like, Hey, I’m gonna work@thisplacecalledspeedyclick.com and you want to work there because they could pay you really good.

And I’m like, holy cow. Yeah. And this is Peter Green, you know, and this is great. So next thing you know, I’m in the 17th story hierarchy. Office complex, open bays. Just think of those movies in the corner, sitting next to this kid named Ace Harrison. At this time, I was probably 31 and he was 17 and we would see these most gorgeous sunsets coming down over Burbank and Pasadena.

And this day I’m sitting next to him. I go, Hey, he was in the corner and I was right next to him. I go, Hey dude. He goes, what? I go enjoy this brother. Cause this ain’t last much longer. I go, there are people in their fifties who have creeped and crawled up to get the corner office on the 17th floor.

And you’re a young 17 year old kid and you’ve got it, he looked at me and kind of go, you better believe it. I’m like, holy cow, what kind of people am I getting in contact with? Yeah, just a little thought in the back of my mind, I go this, guy’s thinking about things in a very special kind of way. So whether it was serendipity or I don’t think it was coincidence… Um, so I worked there and came out to Prescott, uh, when our son and daughter were born, they were about two years apart and had no job. 

KammieK: And this was like, what timeframe was? 

Jerry: It was probably 2003. And, uh, my wife had looked into like, Hey, are there any web design jobs out here? So we move out to Prescott.

We actually visited one time because my wife’s parents were going to retire here. And when I came here, This is going to sound stupid, but I didn’t have a laptop back then. I had my big blocky computer and I brought it and I set it up in the bed and breakfast we were staying at. And I pretended that I had a job in Prescott.

KammieK: when you say pretended, did you, did you, were you aware that you were, you were consciously stepping into more of a visualization? Like I’m just gonna put it on and pretend that it’s what I want 

Jerry: I want to feel the feeling that I’ve got a job. I’ve got two kids. I have no idea. And I remember driving, from California to Prescott. I’m like, I just need one job done. Just one job, you know what I’d like to do. So, uh, I, before that, before we left, um, yeah, I was visualizing and I look out the window. And I see these beautiful pine trees and the shrubs and stuff and the granites.

And I swear to you that right now, I’m looking out the window. A deer is running through the front as I speak right now. And I’m seeing that view and 17, 18 years later, but it actually manifested in weeks. Um, so ended up in, moved to Prescott and found a job. Uh, the city was hiring. I applied, I thought I was going to get it for sure.

I didn’t get it. Uh, the college opened up a position and I applied, there was the very next day and, um, ended up getting a job at the college. 

KammieK: And you mean Yavapai college, which Jerry and I both work at Yavapai college, which is the community college here in Prescott.

Jerry: The community college and got a gig doing web development and then about 12 years ago, I was looking on the internet. Someone talked about Bruce Lee and the one inch punch. And I look, I got to see this YouTube was out at this time and I typed in Bruce Lee one-inch punch and I see it. I’m like, wow. He just really knows how to transfer his energy. So like when he would hit you using that technique, you literally, it would be like as if he, if you put your shoulders if a big person put their shoulders on a little person and just shoved them and they stumbled backwards and fall, he would be able to do that with just the minimal amount of distance, just turning torquing his body.

And it would really propel people backwards. So I see the video on the sites is Darren brown, psychic one inch punch. I’m like, Hmm, what’s this, I click it. And I see this guy’s name was Darren brown. And he demonstrates this technique and I’m like, wow, whatever this is, I’m curious. So I see this, I see this film by him.

It’s called The Heist, Darren Brown. And you can go on YouTube and just type in The Heist Darren Brown. And you’ll find it look almost as like a green greenish kind of thumbnail. And he was this mentalist card, magician, showman, whatever you want to call him coach. 

And he was super popular in Britain back then. He’s very popular right now, even in the United States, you could see stuff on Netflix. So I see this program, The Heist, and he’s like saying, he goes, this is, this is what we’re going to do on the show tonight. I’m going to, I’m going to offer this, that I’m going to do this, uh, seminar a weekend seminar.

And I’m going to teach people my secrets so they could learn what I know and how to do it. And people love to see it. You know, they’re there watching them perform. You know, theaters and stuff, and it’s very entertaining and it’s blows the mind. How is he doing the stuff that he’s doing? And he’s saying it’s all tricks, but it’s almost like, you know, holy cow.

So I’m going to get, I’m going to bring 15 people in or 13 people in, and I’m going to convince four of them to rob an armored car. I’m never going to talk about robbing armored cars. I’m never going to make any instances, nothing, no suggestions about it whatsoever, but I will get them to do it. 

So I’m watching this program, and I’m like, hmm interesting. And it starts out, it’s like the wall street of Britain and he’s, he’s a really good showman. He really knows how to be intentionally quick. And I’m like, okay, I’m going to watch this by the end of the program, three out of the four people. Do an act as if they were going to, they thought that was an armored car.

He convinced them through suggestions and it was brilliant how he does it, they want to rob that armored car, they’ll get away with it. And he had all these triggers that were set on the street. There was a poster that said, just do it. 

He’d say car drives by, can you feel it? And, and all this stuff. And I’m like at the end of the program, I’m staring at the screen and I’m thinking I would have been one of the three, whatever mind control. I go, I’m socially engineered. I can not explain to you how I’m being socially engineered. I have no idea how it’s being done, but holy shit, what I just saw, I would’ve definitely probably done that.

Maybe I wouldn’t, I don’t consider myself like robbing stuff. So I don’t know if I would, maybe I wouldn’t have been the one that or what he selected resonated for you, but I would have responded to sharing these people were responding to the proper stimulus. So that very day I said, I’m going to get, learn whatever this is.

I want to learn this and understand it. And that brought me right into the world of hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming and influence and persuasion. I studied all the different things. I just looked at what is out there, what are all these different topics? There are people for men to feel confident around women there’s stuff for women to feel confident around men there’s stuff for, um, 

KammieK: Weight loss and public speaking.

Jerry: all of this stuff, anything and everything you can imagine.

KammieK: And wait, so, so I want to interject and ask you, weren’t interested in mind control for getting people to do silly things like rob banks and jump up and down and take their clothes off and do random silly stuff. What was, why was that so powerful though, in, in that, and then what did that inspire your thinking of like what I could do if I knew how to do these things, 

Jerry: I was looking at it from the perspective of the way that we’re being affected by advertisements, the way that we’re being affected in language, I had grown up. I mean, for, for 10 years, my dad’s very Catholic. So he had all these books about Catholic mysticism and I, I digested this stuff like a decade. It wasn’t about it. Wasn’t really stuff that normally Catholics read. 

And because I had this fascination, you know, when I, I remember when I was in the military, I, I remember wanting to under, no, God, I don’t know how to explain it. Any other unit just had, no, I remember I got my gun on my knees at, at my bunk, in the dorm room. And I remember I go, if you’re real, I want to believe in you what, what’s the deal?

And the long and short of it, I’ve discovered through my own understanding is within us. I don’t know how to explain it any other way. If you hear these words and you understand it, you know, there’s no, nobody can explain it to you. You have the understanding, the realization that whatever it could be, decades of awful experiences, traumatic experiences, all kinds of stuff.

Does it matter? Ultimately, I came to the conclusion, just like all these people I was studying and, and that’s the thing, Kammie, like I would study the different religions, maybe Buddhism. I was kind of interested in that a little bit. Uh, Christianity, you know, I don’t like people are arguing on this.

KammieK: We’re on the same page. Yeah. And I went to Catholic school and had some of those same things, right. Where it was like, I wasn’t feeling that connection. I wasn’t feeling that relationship. I was like, all of these things seem outside of me and there’s all these rules and it just didn’t make sense to me.

And I was always asking questions and they would just be like, stop asking these questions and just accept this. And I didn’t have a heartfelt connection to Christ or God or Mary or the saints, you know, it just didn’t make sense. 

Jerry: Absolutely. So, um, yeah, I’m studying this stuff hypnosis and LP, uh, spiritual readings… the power of belief and I’m thinking, wow.

I felt like I had my own things that I could take care of. I don’t want to get pilled up. I know it’s just like that. It’s fine for a short period of time, but long-term, it’s not a great strategy for sleeping or being anxious or upset. It’s an upsetness. It’s an upsetness and to resolve the upsetness, the pills like my uncle Roy would say, when do you take the aspirin Jerry?

When you have a headache, you don’t take one when you don’t have a headache. So he would talk. He would say things like that to me. I knew him when I was about 25, 26. I met him. So, uh, I was in Saudi Arabia, there was an incident and it was very, had the indicators of PTSD when I came back.

When I, when I went to Saudi Arabia, when I got to Saudi Arabia, it’s just think of like Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Just get that vibe. You go into the city like this. I don’t know if it was Riyadh or Darren. One of those. And I walked into town and it was like that, but there was buildings and they had these British posters for Rolex watches and all these cruises. And it was like, it’s weird Twilight zone episode.

KammieK: a weird disconnect

Jerry: a weird disconnect. And, but here’s the thing I was there for about nine months comeback and had almost like cultural. Everything is fake. When I come back, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s all artificial. And like I was aware of the artificialness, but in time of being, coming back to the United States got re-familiarized, but didn’t have the shock going there.

It was more natural, like even like Prescott you know? Well, Saudi Arabia, the part I was in it’s it’s ugly. I’m not going to lie to this brutally ugly, but it stinks like the air stinks with whatever. So, um, uh, where was I going with that boards and signs? 

KammieK: Like Prescott is different even than Phoenix and that we don’t have billboards all over the place as much and advertising all over it.

Jerry: Yeah. A little bit, but not much. So 10 months back in the United States, I’m working a job. I’m in the office. Someone slams a door and I jumped hard and I’m going, holy shit, what just happened? And the person across from me, they didn’t jump. And I said, Hey, I’m really sorry about that. I got startled.

And inside of myself, I felt the shit that happened this morning in Saudi Arabia, it all flooded back. There was anger and fear and in a split second, just kicked to life. And then I noticed that when doors would slam, I was jumping and other people, weren’t jumping. The best I could describe the sound to you, even though the door was in the other room.

And I know that the door, in the other room, it would sound like, you know, the steel dumpsters and it stuck on the metal lid just kind of puts your head there. And someone just slammed it without letting me know. And so that was probably one of the things that I wanted to deal with looking for, with the hypnosis stuff. Like I’m like, this is not, I’m fucking pissed off and in a split second, it’s inappropriate. 

It’s not proper like safety. Is it? If, if the safety wasn’t questioned, you would respond to, I mean, look, if someone smashes into the door in a room that we’re in, we’re going to jump right in and we’ll get into fight or flight, but, but this, the thoughts and, and then getting upset at myself for getting upset.

KammieK: And how long would some of those spirals last, where you were getting anxious from the, from the trigger? 

Jerry: It was just a few minutes. I’ve got to tell you about my uncle Roy, because the hypnosis learning about seeing Darren Brown and my uncle Roy kind of both tuned in together really well.

I’ll be really, really brief. I’m 25 years old. I meet my uncle Roy for the first time. And I’m hearing this man speak is probably in a 70 75, and he’s got this beautiful white curly hair. He’s Jewish and he’s, and I’m not Jewish, but he’s Jewish. And he’s my uncle. I don’t know. And he’s got this British accent.

So it’s really interesting. And he speaks and he uses words. I ain’t never heard of words. And he’s talking about love and consciousness and, and, and these other things, resentment and anger. And he says to me, so I’m listening to him talk this one day. And I said, uncle Roy, I want to learn to the truth. Because remember five years before, seven years before, I was saying this prayer, God, please let me understand whatever. So here’s uncle Roy and I’m like Uncle Roy. I want to learn the truth he goes, oh Jerry, you want to learn the truth? Huh? I said, yes, uncle Roy. And I am like chomping at the bit uncle. He is going to tell me he was the first truth you’re going to learn Jerry is the ugly truth about yourself.

KammieK: Shadow work, 

Jerry: Do not resent, do not resist what you see. And it will fall away instantly because you will be witnessing yourself through divine eyes. I think you said through the eyes of the holy spirit and when he said that to me, um, time stopped it. Literally, I went into like a coma…

KammieK: Yeah. He just dropped some, some cosmic wisdom right on your lap. 

Jerry: I am like eyes open. And in my mind I’m seeing all these things coming up in my mind, what I’m testing to see what if, what he said is true, but instantaneously and, um, things coming up habits that I had that fell away.

And I go, yeah, that used to bother me. And I stopped being bothered by it. And it’s no longer a problem. All these different things. Oh yeah. I don’t think about that anymore. I’m done with that. And then a couple of things came up and I go, wow, he’s right. I resent these things. The problem is I’m upset at it.

It doesn’t matter if it’s you or me, it’s the situation. It’s in some way, upsetting, that really was an eye opener and, um, and he told me one other thing. And I believe that those two things are what I use when I’m working with people, my clients, 100% when it’s gotta be 100% with people. So, um, he says to me, he says, fear and anger are two sides of the same coin.

And, uh, I’m thinking, there’s no way I’m pissed right now when he’s talking to me and he goes, oh yeah, I go, there’s no way Uncle Roy. I go, there’s when I’m mad, in anger. I ain’t afraid of that thing. I’m pissed off. He goes, all right. I want you to think about something or someone that you feel anger towards. That’s all he said. And I said, someone came to mind and as I’m thinking about this person, I’m getting pissed off. And I asked myself the question, am I afraid of this person in some way? And I thought, oh my God, if what they say about that person is true. It’s the most terrifying thing imaginable to me.

I was sold on uncle Roy. I’m like, okay, I got it. Yeah. It says you have to give up one. And the other one will go. And I find for myself, uh, is to give up the upsetness. It comes a little quicker to not like someone makes a mistake, not, not asshole idiot, stupid, stupid F whatever, whatever you can say, that stuff you say, whatever you want.

 It’s all good, whatever. Yeah. And it’s catching that, cause he said you can’t get angry about anything anymore and you’ll be fine. Good luck with that.

So, uh, uncle Roy and Darren Brown dropped me into the world of Richard Bandler and neuro-linguistic programming and John Grender and, and that the study of excellence that these were one guy was a computer programmer, uh, Dr. Richard Bandler, he figured out how to program programs to program other programs. And he says, Hey, can I get a person to program another person by modeling the right way to do it? 

KammieK: And tell us what NLP is for people who don’t know what NLP is. 

Jerry: Uh, it’s the study of excellence and neural it’s called neuro-linguistic programming. And neuro-linguistic programming is a set of ideas that allow you to think of something from a slightly different perspective, um, to have a thought in a way that you to think about something in a way that you will usually never think about it. And in thinking about it in that different way, and seeing it from that perspective allows you to adjust your thought about it, in such a way that you change how you feel about it.

KammieK: So what’s a simple example of something that you can flip with, um, using NLP techniques. 

Jerry: Okay. So, um, let’s say when I meet a client and say the client wants to come in because of. They want to stop smoking. Okay. They haven’t, let’s just say let’s rewind. Let’s say they have a habit. They no longer want to, uh, have the behavior of the habit.

So you come in, we sit down and, you know, get to know you first. Question’s going to be what you want, what you need. And they’re going to say something like, Hey, I want to, you know, I don’t want to smoke any more. It’s, you know, I want to be done with a habit and it’s really hard. I want to, I want to be a non-smoker I want to quit all this.

And it’s like, that is not really getting clear on what they want. It’s more of what they don’t want. That’s the housekeeping we’ll take care of that. Yeah. The housekeeping, it’s more to have a certainty of what they want that they’re going to say. Yeah. That’s this is what I want. So a little NLP technique would be like this.

Um, so just imagine, you know, you’re sitting in a chair looking towards the wall, just imagine it’s a big movie screen. Okay. And there’s someone that’s you? They went through all the same shit. You went, they’ve had all the same experiences to this very moment, but they went beyond, they went beyond it just, they, they have, uh, they step, they set it aside and you could see they’ve moved past it.

And you could see that expression on their face. Feeling that they’re feeling, this is like relief, you know, sometimes a client’s has or whatever. They’ll say a word that we’re really for the moment. And now what would it feel like to be inside of that person’s bodies inside of you right now? And you’re breathing in this feeling right now that you can feel it.

Maybe you feel it in your hands and your feet, your shoulders in your body, whatever. So this is a little sneaky little NLP technique of, um, there’s a lot of words they call it mapping across pattern. You visualize someone doing the, how you’d like to. And see when we’re thinking about someone else being free or having liberty or having that peace of mind, it’s easier to imagine it happening to someone else.

 Sure. Okay. Perfect. So we dissociate, we just literally were looking at it like an observer and see, we’re just talking, just imagine there’s a movie screen. So there’s a little set up. That’s the setup. Everyone’s seen a movie screen, right? So you automatically remember what you can’t help it. So there’s this person and she, or he, or they’ve got it figured out they got it done.

So you know what it’s like to be done with something and it hasn’t, they’ve got that feeling. And then what would it feel like that you’re inside of their bodies inside of you now you’re inside of their body. You can feel it in your own body. Now, this is a little push that can be used to get the person into the mood of what it feels like for it to be true now. 

KammieK: So you’re, so you’re using that to shift them from, because like what you said at the beginning, they start talking about the feeling of what they don’t want anymore. I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to, in the shame and the, all the ache, icky ish, that’s wrapped up with the, what they don’t want to do anymore.

 So you’re shifting them to get into the feeling space of the desired outcome via becoming an observer of this person on the movie screen. And then you have them embody that, pull that into, pull that feeling into themselves. 

Jerry:  And you could see that it works because the person will take a nice deep breath or face changes, colors, subtly they’re in a trance at that point that they might as well.

You could say that they’re hypnotized. It’s, this is what we’re talking about here is we have the ability, um, Richard Bandler. He’s one of my mentors. I’ve mentioned a couple of times when it comes to neuro-linguistic programming him, Steve Andreas, his wife, Connie, Ray, Andreas Heartland, for mind, all these, all these great books, the homeless process.

So, Richard Bandler writes in his book. He says one of the main focuses of my work has been discovering ways to help people achieve what I call personal freedom. Personal freedom means having the freedom to be able to control your thoughts and to manifest the kinds of feelings you want in your life.

We are often imprisoned by the chains of our thoughts, and we allow ourselves to think ourselves into problems. However, since most problems are created by our imagination, And our, this imaginary, all we need are imaginary solutions. And I got to tell you that this is a scientist writing this. This is not a spiritual guru guy, far, far from ever has ever, he will.

He will refer to the intuition within yourself, the intuition that’s interlaced with intelligence. So the mood, the person gets into this. And now we’re getting clear. See, that’s the intuition, that’s what they perceive. The nervous system is responding that quickly.

Just like this dopamine is dumping in serotonin is dumping it. And they’re feeling good. They’re feeling like, yeah, I got that’s what you want. Huh? What’s that word? They’re like, I am at peace. I have relief. It’s I feel wonderful. I’m like, okay, now we’ve got some real good information to work with because locked into those words are all of their motivation strategies, which we can access very quickly with just a couple questions.

And that was just one question. Well, what do you want, what do you need? What would it feel like it was in your body? What would it feel like for it to be, to be happening right now? Next question. I’ll just run through these real quick. Up until now what’s been stopping you, standing in your way or preventing you from having this. And, uh, how long has this been going on? Sometimes it’s a few months. Sometimes it’s a year. 

KammieK: What are typical responses to that? What has been standing in your way? Are people able to access when they’re in that trance state? Are they able to clearly communicate?

Jerry: Oh yeah. The question. Okay. What does this cost you physically? Mentally, spiritually, psychologically. What does this been clustering? What has been the problem that the answer that is paramount to their success? I’ve been getting pissed off.

When I think about it, I’ve been letting it upset me. I’ve been getting angry. I’ve been letting it fuck with me. Yeah. That person they’re already like 90% across the finish line. Now, the stuff that we’re going to do, we’re just going to, we’re going to clean. We’re going to do some house cleaning. I don’t know the content.

I don’t need to know the content with NLP. So now we’re getting leverage and we’re the person we’re using the person’s own imagination. 

KammieK: Yes. Yeah. And their own words. Right. You’re able to use their own words as you’re just flipping the script, essentially. Absolutely. 

Jerry: And I use those words. Oh my gosh. When they hear those words coming back to them later, they’re like Ali, Leah, those are the words like heaven, like angels are singing well, because it came from them.

KammieK: They’re the source. 

Jerry: Yeah. They are the source. Yes. I am just like some I’m the helper. You’re like a translator. Coder, programmer on the caddy on the golf course.

KammieK: That’s a good analogy. Jerry’s been brushing up on his, on his golf game.  

Jerry: I started about a year ago and I’m actually playing very well. I psyched myself out. My buddy wanted me to play golf and uh, one of his golf buddies died and another one was just a total asshole. They just got into an argument. He wouldn’t stop talking about politics.

KammieK: The golf course. This is sacred. Yes. We don’t go there. We don’t go anywhere.

Jerry: We don’t go to work. We don’t know. We might chat about a thing or two… So, um, I told myself that I wanted to find a word that represented something good about golf. So I looked on a golf dictionary and it came up a game golfer, and it’s a game of game golf for me is the person that goes out and plays your best game of golf every time.

So I told myself I am a game golfer and then like probably the next day I go, you need to do like a little transcend yourself. So I laid down on my couch and it closed my eyes. And I told myself, what would I picture if I was a successful golfer? And all of a sudden, this is how long it took, and this is how long it usually takes.

Just a few seconds in I’m standing on a golf green, there’s a red flag. There’s some guy wearing like golf, athletic clothing, and I’m reaching over to get the ball out of the hole. Any great shot G. Great shot. Jerry felt really good. And I could see the grass was really green and the sky was really blue.

And I saw, and I saw the red flag that was about a year ago. About two weeks ago, I went golfing and I put, and I’m reaching over and I’m taking the ball up and the guy says, great shot chair. I looked up and the flag was blue. And then I looked at the guy talking and his shirt was red, the red flat, but his shirt was red and I thought, wow, I psyched myself out for just a few seconds.

Did it hook, line and sinker at the feeling I got into the mood for a few seconds, I put thousands of hours of practice this year into it, but it was worth every second. Yeah. It’s not hard. It’s not hard. Shit. I would have to like stop or I would tell myself, you have to stop. I’m not going to get tomorrow. And then two, three times a day now I’ve got it down to maybe I like to practice maybe 30 minutes a day. Just different clubs learning, mastering the swing. It’s like anything it’s like, uh, go ahead. 

KammieK: What I love about that? About the golf analogy too, is you’re visualizing the desired outcome.

You’re getting into the feeling that you want to feel as the player you want to be. And you’re still showing up on the daily or a couple of times a week or whatever it is. Right. And taking the action to step into the future desired result. It’s not like you woke up the next day and you saw the red flag and the dude said, great shot.

It took a little time. Right. But you kept showing up, showing up, showing up, showing up, getting your mind, right. Getting your mind. Right. Getting your mind, right. And your body right. In the muscle memory and becoming the golfer. 

Jerry: Yes. It’s effortless. I’m working my ass off. Don’t get me wrong.

KammieK: Because you tuned into the energy of, we’ll say future Jerry, but really it’s another dimensional, another version of you. You’re almost there though. You’re tuning into that frequency and you’re stepping into it every single time you get on the greens. Yeah. 

Jerry: Yes. But now I’m arriving at the red flag more and more often and it’s enjoyable. And that, and that’s the other thing about golfing before I started, I said, what’s kind of like a takeaway as like, I’ll get to meet people that are different, like smart, intelligent people. There’s assholes. Don’t get me wrong. So one time I go and guy’s like, I go, Hey, what’s your, what do you do? He goes, I fly a private plane for a very, very wealthy person.

A lot of here on Prescott. I go just, just kind of picture, I don’t want to say Tom cruise. I’m trying to think of like an actor. He kind of reminded me of just like whatever young Brad Pitt’s I’m like, he was like in his thirties, he was above before this guy strapping 

young gent. And he’s a great golfer.

He’s in great shape and he brought his little daughter. He’d love for her to play golf and he tells me, he goes, yeah, I fly a private plane for a very, very wealthy client. I go, that’s some nice hustle. And he kind of leans back and he kind of nods and says, he goes, thank you. I’ll go. Absolutely man. So he’s a chauffeur, he flies some Learjet and I’m thinking not bad. 

KammieK: You know, what’s interesting about that. And this is a little personal reveal that I hope you’re okay with me sharing is, early when we first started having conversations and led us down this journey, and me meeting you for some hypnotherapy sessions, you would talk about visualizing yourself, having clients sessions on a private jet.

And do you, did you make that connection? Did you realize that you met this guy? Like that’s when he does. 

Jerry: Yeah. You remember that!

KammieK: I do remember that, that you used to visualize the inside of a private jet and that you would say, oh yeah, I have the kind of clients that just are like, Hey Jerry, we’re going to go fly to California, to the winery for whatever let’s hop on the plane. We’re going to do a session on the way there.

Jerry:  I got this meeting coming up that, you know, I used to put pictures of eight interiors, of planes on my screen. I would look at it. 

KammieK: You didn’t even realize you manifested your pilot already. Isn’t that funny? Yeah. You’re welcome. That’s what I’m here for.

Great listener. I’m a good friend, right? I’m here to remind you of the things that you’re already there and in alignment, so, okay. So I want to be conscious of our time. So just walk me through any certifications. Like what did you do to actually like, make it official and then launch this side biz, because you work at the school as I do, and this is your business.

And at some point down the road, maybe your full-time business, but you, you like me enjoy doing lots of different things. So what did you have to do to become a professional and then start getting clients and what not.

Jerry: The first thing I thought was, you know, I was learning a lot on my own self study and I thought, well, let me go to a school and just get some form of training.

So there was a place in Sedona, uh, Bennett Stellar University, and this guy, Michael Bennett and his wife were teaching Richard Bandler and LP. So I went for 10 days and I had to learn. I’d been studying for about two years before I went there, but I really wanted to get, um, the reason that I went there actually. Wasn’t so much for the NLP. I wanted to get a certified hypnosis thing. Something really, truly legit to anyone can… 

KammieK: go online and get the hour program and be done. And 

Jerry: you can get the diploma factories, or…

KammieK: People need to be vet to vet their, you know, the credentials of a person who they’re working with practitioner.

Jerry: Yeah. A strategic intervention coach, uh, someone who helps you with hypnosis or whatever. Uh, if there’s like a mechanic, it’s like a car mechanic. It’s like anything else, someone they need to know, uh, what they’re doing. And because it’s not all this mumble-jumble mystical thing is it is. Not really it’s a language it’s understanding people’s needs and, and, and helping them get to it.

So it becomes natural. The new behaviors are naturally occurring. The new way of think is naturally occurring. So yeah, finding out, um, like what they specialize in and have them tell you about like what’s in it for them, what do they enjoy about it? 

KammieK: Or get a referral, right? Like obviously if you know, someone who is, is getting hypnotherapy or has gone through hypnosis or, um, worked with someone obviously.

Jerry: Get a referral. And, or like nowadays with Google business. Clients for reviews. And I’ve got a lot of really good reviews. 

KammieK: I think I still owe you a review. Do I still owe you a review?

Jerry:  This is a great review by the way.

KammieK:  And let me give you one right now. So this is the perfect segue into my experience with Jerry the first time that it, so I didn’t go, I didn’t go in, this was actually summer solstice, 2019.

And so I could feel some really big shifts happening within me and collectively as, um, the first episode of this podcast, I talked a lot about, um, my clairvoyance and claircognizance and, and highly heightened intuitiveness and symbols signs, symbols and synchronicities that talked a lot about in episode number three.

And so I could feel another upleveling, so to speak was coming in. Right? Like I was like, something’s shifting something’s happening. I want to go deeper and I’d read and studied a lot about, um, Iowasca and Tila Seibon and some of the journeys people go on with plant medicine. And I was like, I don’t really feel like I need plant medicine.

Like I don’t need to go down that road. I feel like I can access that because I already have access to so much of that just on my own, going into meditation and that kind of state and you and I had had several conversations. Um, we just kind of organically became friends working at the college and would see each other in meetings and be like, Hm, kindred spirit.

Jerry: Well, the first meeting, I’m not to cut you off first meeting. I remember you walked into us, all those people and you go, like, I hope you guys are real the way that you’re talking. I thought that was a pretty great statement to make. 

KammieK: Yes, yes, yes. And so, yeah, I think it was after that first meeting, we were kind of like, Hey, let’s just meet and grab coffee and get to know who you are and what you’re about.

Yeah. So, um, so the first session, it wasn’t like I went in kind of like what you were saying earlier, right? About a phobia or PTSD or a fear or even anxiety. I think, I might’ve even had a sticky note write about, I want to start tuning into my future self. I want to start tuning into my higher self, which at which I do have access to organically, but, but the version of me who is there and I had this, this image I’d seen of this outfit that this woman was wearing.

And I was like very drawn to this outfit. And I was like, I can see me wearing this outfit. In a future setting where I’m doing some sort of either teaching or public speaking or something and in a room full of people. And it just, it was, it just spoke to me, it, it was sort of that like next level or to a couple of levels up from where I felt like I was.

And I was like, I want to access this version of me. And we went in and you use took me into the trance state, which, which I think I, I go into really quick. Yeah, absolutely. You probably put me, put me under right now, but we won’t go there.

Um, but, but there is, I’m a part of that exercise and I’d been through another hip, a different kind of hypnotherapy session at another point where it’s like, you go and you bounce. What do you do? You bounce on the clouds. You fall through the clouds, something when the clouds, 

Jerry: I remember that falling through the clouds

KammieK:  I get so visual anyway. And I, it was like, I just instantly was like in, in the clouds, up through the clouds, into outer space, it was like, I catapulted, like I jumped on a trampoline and just boy, I was in the cosmos and I could feel the energy. I could feel source energy. I could feel the energy of all that is. And there’s, um, a woman who did a Ted talk and she wrote a book.

Her name is Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, and she actually had a stroke. She wrote a book called a stroke of insight. She’s been on Oprah. I think it’s like probably at least 10 to 15 years old at this point. But the way she described her experience, when she, she was able to stay conscious during her stroke and the left half of her brain and the right half of her brain kind of separated out.

And she talked about connecting to the cosmos. She felt the energy of everything. She, she could see, she was still like looking around her home when she was having the stroke. She was like in her bathroom and, um, her arm fell against the wall and she kind of could see the pixel pixelization of her arms.

Like it was almost like an acid trip. And that’s sort of what it felt like for me in that session, I was way far out. I think I got really emotional afterward. Like I just felt so much joy and love and like every good positive emotion, you could feel. It was very heightened for me. And I just got all this information in the session.

And then for weeks after the session, I would like wake up in the middle of the night and grab my notes on my phone and like take notes. And I was getting all these downloads of information of basically like you are divine source energy. We are connected. We are all connected. We are connected to source.

And so that’s, that’s all helped expand my awareness of self, my awareness of the divine, my, um, awareness of just our unique humanist, but that also we’re a part of this greater. Invisible. Multi-dimensional all of the things, right? All the things that Jerry and I talk about this stuff all the time. So I won’t go down that all the way down that rabbit hole, but that is the level of expansion that I was able to go to inside. And that’s why this is called the inner, you know, the cosmetics inner space podcasts, because going within is. Is the depths like it’s infinite. It’s like the infinite abyss within us. Right. That is connected to all without all that. The outside..


Jerry: It’s like the universe is inside of us and out towards. It’s like expanding out of these really quickly. A guy came in on Monday. It’s so funny. I asked him like, oh, what have you found most useful about the time that we spent together so far? It’s like 30 minutes. He goes, man. He goes, I feel like I’m on mushrooms right now. I go, I love it. There we go. Yes. I’m talking to you. And he goes, man, I feel like I’m on psilocybin right now.

This man, I feel like the psilocybin is on. And he wasn’t on anything. He came in for some serious, serious stuff too. You know, people, little kids. Uh, it needs to be a little left, like little kids, and we had a very, very useful session. One session. It’s amazing. What’s done in one session. 

KammieK: PTSD and the trauma healing and all of those things hypnosis. If, if people have been unsuccessful with traditional talk therapy, which I am obviously a fan of, I almost became a therapist myself, coaching, you know, there’s different modalities for different times and different things that we’re working through in our lives.

And so for me, hypnosis was a very different experience than, than a lot of the clients that come to you for more of a, I don’t know if we want to say transactional, but sometimes they come in for something specific where I was just coming in for general expansion and, and a tune-up. 

Jerry: And this is, this is the other thing that a lot of people do come in for is like, uh, awareness. They’ve been, Hey, I used to meditate. I can’t meditate anymore. Perfect. Come on down. Yeah. Hey, I used to have this close relationship and I feel separated spiritually. Perfect. I sell I the Kool-Aid ain’t no Kool-Aid coming from me for a product. What to believe in what you want to believe, just opening your faith and trusting within yourself and God and Jesus Christ, whatever your, whatever your worship is.

Belief is within ourselves. I like to be useful like that too. And a lot of times people who do have trauma stuff, this is actually exactly. They just bounce right into this land of it’s higher frequency, higher quality. 

KammieK: So that’s how I want to shift to do that too, to get into the other final kind of thing.

Yeah. So it’s almost like you delete the file, but really it’s they just move beyond it. Like they don’t need to sit in the quicksand with it anymore and hold its hand, they heal, they heal and they move beyond it. And they’re just instantly upgraded.

Jerry: I have a different, they have a different opinion about that idea. That’s all that happened. They changed something in the resentment, went away and they have a different opinion towards it. They’re not angry when they think about it. They’re not afraid when they think about it, but it’s something that you’re able to access.

KammieK: You’re able to access the subconscious mind when they’re in the hypnosis session, which is something that you could do all the talk therapy you want, and you may never get there because it’s just a different part of your brain. That’s accessing it, right.  

Jerry: They’re not asking the right questions to get, to get there, right.

KammieK: Because it’s questions that you’re asking. So with that, all being said, this does, this does bring us to, um, since, since this is going to be airing in February, which I’m considering self-love month, but we have Valentine’s day, which is a very love oriented kind of commercialized holiday. I asked Jerry if he would kind of talk us through this exercise that he and I have played with, um, in sessions.

And actually we just had a conversation. I think about this at one point when we were on a walk around campus or something, and he told me about it and I got really emotional when he told me about this exercise, that’s how powerful it is just hearing about it. So I wanted him to share this as something that we can do on our own, almost like a self-hypnosis technique. Right? 

Jerry: Absolutely. So, uh, before we get started, pause this, uh, recording and make sure that you’re in a comfortable position, you could be sitting in a chair, you could be laying down on a couch. It doesn’t matter on a bed, whatever you have. And this is a technique that was created by Robert McDonald back in the 1980s.

And, um, it allows us to appreciate ourselves to be able to, uh, to appreciate ourselves, uh, you know, it’s so hard to love myself. I blah, blah, blah. I don’t know how to do that. Yeah. Yeah. I get it. We’re not going to try to figure that out, but we’re going to learn a little bit about appreciation. So this technique I use with clients, um, if they are, uh, they feel like stuck a little bit.

It’s hard for them to get clear. So this is going to help them get clear. So I want you to, I want you to have a new experience as you’ve listened to this and enjoy and, and, and have, have one that meets your needs, but this experience meet your needs and enjoy this experience. So I’m assuming you’re nice and comfortable.

I want, and if you need to scratch your nose or anything like that, go ahead. All the sounds. Yeah, exactly. All the sounds that you hear are going to focus. You inward all the feelings that you feel they’re going to focus. You inward all the thoughts that you have. They’re going to focus you inward so that whatever you hear being said, you can imagine it instantly and immediately.

So I want you to think of someone living or dead that you know, that they love you. Maybe you had a grandma, maybe you had a friend in school in high school, wherever, uh, maybe a boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever your kids, someone that you know loves you. I just want you to think about this person for a moment.

Now, just notice that. And it’s time to relax boys and girls. It’s time to breathe and let your body relax. Let’s breathe slowly and deeply. Yeah. In fact, just imagine you have masked grows at the bottom of your feet and that you could breathe clean air up into legs and into your body, clean, fresh air, just right through those naturals in the bottom of your feet.

I know it sounds silly. I’m going to talk to you about what it’s like to really appreciate yourself as you are. I don’t want you to go into a trance right now. So as you feel your body relaxing, still allow any tension that you may have to simply fade away with every breath, all right. Through the nostrils.

However you want it to pass. Now, imagine you’re sitting in a desk, writing your automobile. You might be using a pen or a pencil computer in some way, you find you are writing your autobiography story of your life. And you’re quite comfortable about writing your autobiography. You can see the desk and the chair, and you may notice how the words that described your life begin to gently occur to you.

In any case, you know, you’re sitting at a desk writing your autobiography. Very good. Now, as you write, you become aware of the thought of someone who loves you and you can begin to think more clearly about that person, you know, loves you. I’ll take your time, notice that person. So as you sit here, Writing you can be.

You can notice that across the room, in your imagination, there’s someone standing on the other side of a glass door. It is the person that, you know, loves you as you see them, this person that loves you. You begin to notice that they’re looking at you, observing you and you decide to describe this person in your autobiography.

Take your time. Describe this person, what you see, what you feel about them, even what you hear yourself saying to yourself about the person who, you know, loves you, write it all down in your autobiography. Wonderful. Now that you have a full sense of what it’s like to describe the person that loves you gently allow your self to leave your body at the desk and float your awareness across the room, through the glass door and notice what it’s like to stand next to the person who loves you.

Now take your time to look through the glass door and observe yourself, writing your autobiography. Just stand there and notice what you look like from the perspective of standing behind the glass door and just notice how much you currently appreciated. No, the actual feelings about yourself. As you look at yourself through the glass door now gently tenderly allow yourself to enter into the body of the person who loves you. Look through that. Person’s eyes at yourself as you write your autobiography on, right. See yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you, take your time and really look as that’s right. See yourself through the eyes of love.

Notice what you look like over there, writing your autobiography, notice how you move, not as how you breathe. Let’s take your time to fully notice and appreciate the qualities and special misses about yourself. The church aware of perhaps for the first time, as you see yourself through the eyes of love.

And since you’re in the body of someone who loves you notice the thoughts you hear being spoken about, you notice the tone of voice of the positive, appreciative thoughts you hear as you experienced yourself over there. Writing at your desk from here, from the perspective of someone who, you know, loves you. Now, gently tenderly allow your awareness to leave the body of the person who, you know, loves you and float back through the class store, across the room and back into your body at the desk, writing your autobiography and take your time now to write into your autobiography that you just got through.

Seeing yourself through the eyes of love, the eyes of appreciation, I’s compassion,

And describe several of the qualities the specialist is you noticed in yourself when you saw yourself through the eyes of love. And as you write this experience into your autobiography, begin to think of your future future experiences that you know are coming. And those experiences that may surprise you all the places in time in your future tomorrow, next day, weeks, months, even years from now, when you will be able to access this precious experience of seeing yourself through the eyes of love so easily future times and places in your life, when it’s important for you to notice your special qualities right now, and deeply appreciate who and what you are in the world right now. And those future times when you’ll be aware that this deep self appreciation will encourage you to achieve more and more and more, it’s kind of deep, personal self appreciation as often the first step and training your brain to totally support and encourage yourself. 

This allows you to be truly empowered to see the big picture, including the picture maker, just as you did a few minutes ago.

Take your time. Notice how this process changed your inner representation of yourself, the subtle, and maybe not so subtle ways. You actually see yourself from a new and appreciative perspective. This assists you to fully accept yourself as you are. It’s possible to stop battling yourself so that you can accept who you are and what you are right now.

And this gentle tenderness will give you the ability to make all the changes you need to make consciously and unconsciously. Now. Now it’s literacy with begin to return back to your full awareness, your full consciousness at your own pace, and you could come fully wide awake. 1, 2, 3, good morning, sunshine.

Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome back. Alrighty. There we go. Hope you enjoyed that. 

KammieK: My heart felt nice and warm and expansive. 

Jerry: That is the beauty that that is, uh, an LP. That’s the use of language. We can affect our opinion of ourselves. See how we can see something from a slightly different perspective than our own only in our imagination. And we feel that feeling. That’s trust within ourselves. So, uh, thanks for letting me, uh, Kool-Aid out on. 

KammieK: I loved it. Well, well, I’ll go back and have, um, Brendan, my editor put a little disclaimer. I’ll just read a little disclaimer before that part, just to make sure no, one’s driving a car.

 If you need to pull over the side of the road, if you’re going to do this, otherwise, pause it and do it. When you get home.

Jerry: You’re going to have a great time.


KammieK: Yeah, it’s so interesting. How, um, well, one your voice, you know, obviously can get you there really quickly. You have that great meditation type, voice, hypnotherapist, a voice that just is able to calm them, you know, it just calms you down. It, like you said, it’s our nervous system. That’s like high octane, especially right now. And for people who watch news and I don’t do those things, but some people do, um, yeah, that’s a whole, that’s a whole nother episode.

Um, but yeah. Thank you so much for sharing that. And I, it’s interesting, cause I was just on a call earlier with, um, I’m on a committee with a student leadership group and we do a journaling session every other Friday with them. And it’s helped so much because in these times everyone’s so isolated and our students, especially, you know, some of them are like working part-time jobs and going to school and some of them have families and there’s just so much going on and they don’t always have time to just like connect.

And so these journaling sessions have been great. And today one of our journaling prompts was, you know, about self-acceptance and self-love and what does that look like? And how do we, how do we honor that? And, and. A lot of people, it is around. Um, well, if would you talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend, or would you talk to yourself the way that you talk, you know, would, would you talk to your children the way that you talk that your internal dialogue is going?

And so sometimes it is helpful, right? To just imagine another person, because, someone you love would not talk to you that the way that our inner dialogue often does.

Jerry: That’s the beauty of this is that you didn’t, you never thought of doing that for a moment. Hey, how does what’s his face? Think of me and or what’s her face or whatever. Oh, she, she thinks I’m very helpful. She thinks I’m a good pro, not, not to justify our existence, but to not be. So, you know, like you were saying, Hey, don’t talk to my friend like that. 

KammieK: Well, I know that we don’t always see someone else that someone else sees. Oftentimes. I mean, even just launching this podcast, there’s been people that have shown up and set things and I’m like, I didn’t, I didn’t know. You know, I didn’t, I didn’t know that you’ve perceived your perception was that way or so it’s, it’s interesting too, because we’re not going around soliciting feedback all the time either. Right? Like, Hey, how great do you think I am?  

Jerry: On a scale of one to 10, what are you seeing right now? Just give me an 8, 9, 10.

Jerry: What did it take to get that? How do we get that to a 10, right? 

KammieK: Yeah. What do we need to do, Jerry? Thank you so much. This is fun. I love that you were willing to come on. I’ll also probably ask, cause I know we talked about a lot of resources, books, links, all those things. So maybe I’ll have you send me a couple of the ones that, you know, I wrote down a handful of them, but we’ll double check afterwards.

Jerry: Yeah. One of the best resources would be a website. T I O H i.com. 

KammieK: Oh, and what is the, what is that website? 

Jerry: The Institute of human imagination. I O H i.com. 

KammieK: Yes. That is Jerry’s website. 

Jerry: That will get you some, uh, some good information and. Exactly. Yeah. We’re hankering to dial that number in that call to action. That’s at the top of the page, there’s a call to action…

KammieK: So if you know, if this whole episode wasn’t enough to encourage you to explore hypnotherapy in and of itself, but if you want to work with Jerry and you do phone sessions, right? People don’t have to live here in Prescott.

Jerry: Absolutely. The first, the first interaction is always on the phone. It has to be a right connection. This isn’t forever. This is for people who are like, I know that I’m responsible for this in some way. Just let’s take care of it. Okay, cool. It’s going to be enjoyable. It’s not going to be painful. Let’s get into a little bit.

KammieK: Thank you so much, Jerry. I’ll link all the deets up in the show notes. And I know Jerry, I’ll be talking to you real soon. 

Jerry: Absolutely. Thank you. I really feel honored. Uh, you’ve come a long way, baby is what Edward or Andy would say.

KammieK: Yes, I know. I know. I love that. You’ve been along with me on this journey, so it’s been so great.

It’s so great. Thank you. Woo. Are you feeling the love? What a jam packed and juicy episode. I’m beyond grateful to my friend. Jerry’s originally for bringing his hip, no linguistic magic and wizardry to the podcast today. I hope you were inspired by Jerry’s story, knowledge and insights, and that you’re courageous enough to really dive deep into the exercise he shared at the end, looking through the eyes of love.

If you want to learn more about hypnotherapy or are curious to work with Jerry, please find him at his online Homebase, the Institute of human imagination, or T I O H I doc. Thank you so much for sharing your time and space with me today. And for tuning in. If you enjoyed this episode of the cosmetics interspace podcast, please leave a review on apple podcasts or share this episode with a friend I’d love to stay connected with you on Instagram, you can find me@cammyk.com.

That’s K a M M I E K D O T com, where I share a lot more cosmics goodness on Instastories and I’m at Cammie k.com on Facebook. And of course we can always stay connected via the cosmics interspace mothership over on the blog@cammiek.com. Okay. Until next time friend, I’m sending you Stardust and so much love.

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