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Cosmix Innerspace camp

Guided 9-week journey for creative bad-asses, small biz owners & New Now leaders looking to DEEPEN your Innerspace Best Practices to elevate, LAUNCH and glow-UP from the INSIDE out. 

Welcome Innerspace Surfer

Are you BEYOND ready to LAUNCH that BIG creative project? UP-level your career? Finally turn that side-hustle into your full-time BIZ?

Are you READY to … Create a work of art? Write a book? Produce a film? Increase your confidence? Trust your intuition? Cultivate exquisite Self-Care? Increase your Joy? Amp Up your Abundance? 

Are you (FINALLY) ready to dive into your inner space to gain CLARITY and boldly EMBODY all of your divine cosmic light AND all that makes you gloriously fucking human? The dark AND the light?

Maybe if you felt like you could take FOCUSED and inspired ACTION, then you’d have the confidence to go ALL in! 

Because if you’re anything like my clients, you are DRIVEN to go after ALL of your #goals #bizboss #sidehustler #creatrix dreams.

Whether you’re looking to next level your soul-centric biz, step into that next career promotion, or launch the damn thang already – there’s just one small problem…

Something is holding you back from the focus, clarity & confidence to go ALL fucking IN on your precious dreams.

So let’s keep it REAL boo…WTF is the thing that’s holding you back?

maybe it's...fear, uncertainty, lack of focus, imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, overwhelm, unclear boundaries, procrastination?

Whatever it is, if you're like most people who work with me - you WANT to step INTO your next UP-level...you just can't figure out HOW to DO it. So instead...

You distract yourself by becoming the “therapist” for your inner circle

You keep yourself busy planning all your kids or community events

You become the “go to” person at work taking on additional projects & workload

You get sucked into family or friend drama as an avoidance tactic

You binge Netflix, food, drinks, shopping, news, etc – to numb out 

Maybe you’re sick & tired of being sick & tired

Or you’re finally calling yourself out on your shit

Or you’re OVER the negative self-talk

Maybe you’re just feeling like a whole lotta WTactualF?!

Next thing you know, life is still passing you by and you’ve yet to do the DAMN thang!

If you've read this far...you're SO ready to crush your own personal glass ceiling and quiet that nasty inner critic. (And to be clear - I've been almost, if not ALL of the above as well - so I speak from experience).

It’s not that you’re not smart enough, motivated enough, or that you’re a failure. It’s just that FEAR of SLAYING it, of the unknown and of DOing it wrong is what’s keeping you in a cycle of putting it off, making excuses, and stuck in an endless loop of avoidance, overwhelm and uncertainty.

I get it. I've been there. And so have most of my clients. But guess what? You don't have to stay stuck in fear, or wait any longer to take the fucking LEAP.

In fact, what if you had a process, a safe SPACE, a circle of other innerspace surfers and a badass guide to support YOU in finally stepping into the next best version of YOU?

Can you imagine

what it


be like to embody

next level you?

sound impossible?

I promise you it isn't! But here's what most people don't know...

It’s not about having stronger will power. It’s isn’t even about commitment!

Because if you’re being super honest, love, how many self-help books, on-demand recorded courses or community forums have you already tried and never did anything with?

So if it’s not about will power & commitment…how DO you start stepping into next level YOU? And (finally) launch that project, get that promotion, start that side-hustle or next-level your biz?

It starts with saying YES. It starts with putting YOU first. It starts with saying YES to 9 weeks of the most fun, DEEP diving, SOUL nourishing, VALUE defining, INTENTION setting, ish clearing, QUANTUM leaping experience - and at the end, you get to say hello to next-level YOU. Pretty bad-ass, huh?

think about it...

You’re beyond ready to step into your highest self & fulfill your creative desires

Perhaps you’re feeling a bit like you’re living with one foot in both the old 3-D matrix, but also dancing in and out of 4-D & 5-D frequencies & ready to help create the New Now paradigm

Tuning into your old favorite spiritual teachers or online communities, but not feeling aligned with previously outdated models (remember when the LOA & The Secret were EVERYthing?!)

Yearning to trust YOUR own intuition and have FAITH that your higher self knows BEST, but lacking the confidence to REALLY trust the “leap and the net will appear” approach

CRAVING to make an impact in the world – through your art, a passion project, still-yet-to-be-birthed business idea, writing, podcast, or purpose work – (you were BORN for THIS) but have no FOUNDATION in place

OR maybe you’ve got a soul-centric biz already and want to up-level, but you need to re-calibrate at your new frequencies and flesh out that vision for that next version of you and your biz

Feeling annoyed by the fact that you’re playing small, and been settling –  but you KNOW a more rich, expansive reality exists for you

Feeling cosmically constipated but KNOW there’s an expansion happening within you – it’s time to stretch those beautiful butterfly wings – YOUR divine time is NOW

Longing to drop the anxiety about HOW things are going to show up and WHEN to take action – your turn is NOW love – get ready to magnetize and alchemize 

Possibly afraid, but are ready to RISE above the fear and level the fuck UP

Nodding your head reading this and feeling resonance that THIS is YOUR time. That NOW is your opportunity to put your own needs first. To invest in nourishing your spirit, your desires and your ideas on a DEEP soul level.

That's exactly why I created Cosmix Innerspace Camp, for rock stars like YOU who are feeling called to step UP & INTO their next Quantum Leap.

Before you can take it all UP a notch (or more) you have to first be able to go INward, dive DEEP, and acknowledge that YOU already have all of your own answers, CLARITY and wisdom. YEP. Ya do.

And I’m here to shine a BIG ol’ spotlight on what you can’t see, because you keep looking “OUT there” when your answers are INSIDE. Think of me as your cosmic mirror, your very own personal inner-stellar tour guide.

Join me at Innerspace Camp! A guided 9-week journey for creative bad-asses, small biz owners & New Now leaders looking to DEEPEN your Innerspace Best Practices so you can elevate, LAUNCH and glow-UP from the INSIDE out. 

Cosmix Innerspace Camp is for women on the rise AND tuned-in men – any human – who wants to tap deeper into their intuition, give birth to their next creative project, and get in touch with their multidimensional self to level UP and LEAD from the INside OUT. 

We’ll walk together through 9 portals to solidify your Innerspace Best Practices. These are creative, strategic and spirited coaching concepts providing YOU with the solid foundation with which to LAUNCH into your next UP-level.

This ain't your kiddos Summer Camp!

We’re going to dive DEEP and do the work (and have FUN along the journey) so you can gain CLARITY and focus, RADIATE confidence, and take INSPIRED action to move your life & your project forward with Cosmix momentum.

Innerspace Camp is a multidimensional EXPERIENCE and delivered via a hybrid of online digital downloads, audio content, videos and weekly LIVE group coaching Zoom calls.

Each camper will also be granted weekly Marco Polo video coaching access to me for Q&A and added accountability + a follow-up 1-on-1 90 min Power Jam session to be used within the 4 weeks after camp ends.

This allows space and time for you to go DEEPER into the content and INTEGRATE what comes through for you during and after the camp experience.

We’ve also got a handful of juicy bonus guests coming to camp to help support you through the different portals. See the breakdown below for Camp Guest Guides and BONUS content.

"Thank you for planting the seeds in today's session. It really helped me through the process of breaking things down and expanding my perception to really begin doing something different in my business and with my brand. It wasn't until I started implementing things that I could really FEEL how in the box I was and how next level I could really go. I LOVE digging around in your juicy brain!"
Career Coach
“I absolutely LOVE being coached by Kammie! Our sessions have been pure-liquid GOLD for my heart, my soul and my mind. Kammie just GETS it and she pulls out of me what was inside me all along - she pulls it to the surface, and helps me see the vision that was right there inside me. Kammie is incredible at listening, asking the right questions, and truly HEARING what you are saying, and then reflecting back strategic next steps and insight. She inspires me to push for new heights and reach for bigger goals because she helps break down all the scary-overwhelming-steps into attainable next steps. I highly recommend working with her!!!!”
Jenn B
Fashion Designer

We kick-off the week of June 1 -July 19

Cosmix Innerspace Camp

bonus #1

Innerspace Camp Astro Forecast

$333 value

Tifin Dillon, my guest from Episode #9 of the Cosmix Innerspace Podcast, will be our Innerspace Camp Astro-Coach to help us kick things off with an Astro forecast providing us with a blueprint for the planetary and interstellar guidance we can expect to support us through our journey during camp. So you’ll have the added bonus of knowing which lunar, and celestial allies will be showing up to support YOU during this rich 9 week experience! People call Tifin an ‘Astro-Coach’, which is a specialized fusion of her talents and passions. In addition to studies in astrology, psychology, human development and metaphysics, Tifin worked for decades as a teacher and a co-active coach. Learn more about Tifin at www.tifindillon.com

bonus #2

Innerspace Camp Badass Organizing sesh

$ 222 value

My guest on Episode #12 of the Cosmix Innerspace Podcast, Theresa Winn Lode AKA "The Zany Sage" is a life coach, author of the book, Bad Ass Organizing - A Short Guide to Uncluttering your Home, Head and Heart, and junk thrower outer. She is passionate about helping people clear clutter so they can live life with more clarity and JOY. Theresa will be joining us during portal 3 (CLEAR week) for a BONUS session - we’re gonna dive DEEP into your closets, your junk drawers, and underneath the bed and take a REAL close look at ALL your STUFF & thangs. Learn more about Theresa's programs & services at www.theresalode.com

bonus #3

Personal Branding for Your Career Success Workshop

$333 value

In this on-demand (pre-recorded) workshop, Kammie combines her eclectic work experience (a former on-air radio host, event manager for luxury wine & spirit brands, a college professor & corporate recruiter) and natural intuitive mojo to craft authentic brand mantras, messaging and magic. This workshop is a back to basics on personal branding for anyone in career transition, small business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, artists, authors and creators who want to generate more buzz around their brands both online and in real life. (You will have access to this once CAMP launches LIVE).

so tell me...

Are you ready to quantum leap & meet next level YOU?

I truly believe that if you’re READY to step UP, dive DEEP and DO the fucking WORK – these Innerspace Best Practices will support, nourish and CATALYZE you into FUTURE you. The you DOing the things. LIVING the life and experiencing the JOY. This is YOU, only lit AF – from the INSIDE out.

Your lack of focus, inspiration or confidence are symptoms of you trying to do this all alone, without a plan and without support. You trying to MAKE things happen instead of authentically ALIGNING and syncing up with next level YOU, because REAL change doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Or in your apartment by yourself. Now, get your ass enrolled in Innerspace Camp and let’s get it ON!

How do I know Cosmix Innerspace Camp can work for you?

Because I've been exactly where you are - truth be told - I'm going through another massive UP-level myself and am excited to walk through this 9 weeks side-by-side with you.

Hey ya’ll – I’m Kammie K. – your Innerspace Camp Counselor & creative catalyst. My “eclectic” work experience began in radio broadcasting & event marketing for luxury brands Grand Marnier, Tanqueray, Moet & Chandon where I partnered with Sony Music, Def Jam and other music, fashion and luxury brands.

I then found my home in Higher Education serving in various roles from academic affairs, career coaching, teaching (part & full-time/online & in person) and recently in fundraising and development (at Lindenwood University, ASU, Yavapai College).

Inspired to take ACTION due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020 I put on my coaching hat again and launched the next iteration of kammiek.com. I’m creating a podcast, e-courses, and coaching services designed to help YOU navigate the New Now.  We truly live in AMAZING times, and we don’t have to conform to outdated social norms and paradigms. 

I’m inspired to help support YOU in building your own New Now – and helping you anchor into the energies, STRATEGIES and actions you need to get there.

It’s an honor to help you take ACTION and help you create a future of your OWN design. Aside from this eclectic career highlight reel – I’ve been putting in the DEEP work since 2005 (although I’ve been on this spiritual path since I entered this human called Kammie).

I’ve read the books, taken the workshops, enrolled in the year long coaching programs, worked with therapists, spiritual healers, and journaled until my fingers were numb, and I’m committed to continually DO the fucking WORK.

Here’s a few highs & lows along the journey: 

->Bought my first condo in 2006 – then it went into foreclosure due to the housing crash in 2009 & mismanagement of my finances, after I’d relocated to PHX

->Got an up-leveled gig in PHX in 2008, moved from STL (was supporting my mom who had recently been diagnosed bi-polar & had run out of money, so I was also supporting her during my transition)

->Was making $75k at the new gig (the most money I’d made in my career) only to be let go a year later when my role was eliminated. Got my mom set up on her own, found a roomate & somehow side-gigged my way through 2009/2010, until I landed my job at ASU as a Career Coach for MBA students

-> During my year of unemployment, I felt cosmically constipated and was in a creative funk…but I kept feeling the desire to paint (even though I’d never been a visual artist & didn’t know oil from acrylic) I awkwardly kept experimenting and a few years later was selling journals, greeting cards, cosmetic bags and large scale paintings of my art

->In 2015 I qualified for a home loan again & purchased a tiny 960 sq ft. 1920’s brick bungalow in PHX that needed all new electrical, a new AC (the old one crashed the day I was supposed to move in!) & a complete renovation (I had NEVER renovated ANYthing & was TERRIFIED I wouldn’t be able to put the place back together after the demo was complete)

->In 2016, just one year after renovating my tiny home I became VIOLENTLY ill, no doctors could figure out what was wrong with me, and my body was shutting down – eventually I was diagnosed with Chron’s & am still on my healing journey today

->Part of my healing came as an intuitive hit and I KNEW I needed to quit my job & MOVE (from PHX a city I loved and had a solid community of friends and family) and within TWO months of that hit I was divinely guided to Prescott AZ, found a new job and just two months after landing in Prescott my PHX tiny house SOLD and I made over $100k, allowing me to have a down payment for an amazing home in Prescott

There are SO many more moments I could share, but the consistent theme is – life takes a turn – shit gets shook, I tune IN, set my new intention, and take tiny ACTION steps as I follow the flow of divine guidance.

And it’s been UP-level after UP-level all the way.

I’m sharing these stories because in each instance, I had NO freaking clue HOW to do many of the things I did, but I stepped UP and IN, aligned with the DIVINE and worked WITH my highest self, my guides and the UNIVERSE/God/Source to co-create my new reality.

And I’m being CALLED to help New NOW leaders – just like YOU –  step UP and into their next iteration. To LAUNCH those BIG dreams, to demystify the mystical – both spiritual practices and practical application.

With that winning combo and partnering with the DIVINE, you can’t do it wrong.

Are you ready for YOUR next UP-level?

Just say YES to YOU and let’s fucking DO this!

I know firsthand that these portals we'll dive into over 9 weeks will be transformational. I'm honored to share my favorite, Innerspace Best Practices with you. Let's spend the summer diving DEEP, and making magic, so you can alchemize the second half of 2021 with the practical tools you need to EMBODY next level you.

Camp is closed - jump on the waitlist

Hello! Thank you for your interest in Innerspace Camp. Camp is SOLD OUT for this session – BUT hop on the LIST to be notified ASAP when the next session opens up! We’ll be in touch very soon.


3 ways to amp your intuition and tap into your superpower

Intuition is often referred to as a sixth sense, divination, instinct, a hunch, a gut feeling, or second sight. But how do you know to TRUST that intuitive hit? Grab this FREE guide to find out!

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